Gov. Rick Snyder approves supplemental appropriations for sexual assault evidence tracking, opioid addiction programs


Date: Nov. 9, 2017
Location: Lansing, MI

Over $50 million in additional investments for numerous programs will be available under legislation signed today by Gov. Rick Snyder.

"This additional funding allows several departments and agencies to invest in programs that will continue to improve the lives of Michiganders," Snyder said. "Supporting a statewide sexual assault evidence kit tracking system is long overdue and will help survivors of these horrific crimes."

Senate Bill 253, sponsored by state Sen. Dave Hildenbrand, provides supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 general aid funds. The bill increases funding for various departments and agencies including a uniform statewide sexual assault evidence kit tracking system, opioid addiction response programs as well as reimbursing the costs incurred by National Guard deployments to aid in hurricane relief. It is now Public Act 158 of 2017.

Snyder also signed two additional bills:

House Bill 4166, sponsored by state Rep. Mary Whiteford, eliminates preferential hiring practices for special education professionals. It is now PA 159 of 2017.

HB 4756, sponsored by state Rep. Peter Lucido, enables law enforcement to better track first offense minor in possession charges. It is now PA 160 of 2017.
